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picture1_Matrix Pdf 153486 | 596b0ec1f06f0chemistrymsc

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File: Matrix Pdf 153486 | 596b0ec1f06f0chemistrymsc
m sc chemistry semester i course i inorganic chemistry lectures 60 max marks 80 note i ten questions will be set by the examiner selecting two from each unit as ...

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...M sc chemistry semester i course inorganic lectures max marks note ten questions will be set by the examiner selecting two from each unit as far possible every question divided into three parts students shall attempt five one ii can ask for character tables except c and point groups if required v group theory concept of symmetry elements operations assignment to molecules some general rules multiplications multiplication water ammonia representations matrices matrix irreducible applications chemical bonding hybrid orbitals in different geometries symmetries molecular bf h b application vibrational spectroscopy a brief idea about infrared raman scattering modes basis w r t so pocl ptcl ruo mutual exclusion principle classification e stretching angle deformation vibrations iii non aqueous solvents factors justifying need solution failure solvent sulphuric acid physical properties ionic self dehydration high electrical conductance spite viscosity an dehydrating agent oxidizing medium carr...

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