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picture1_Pharmaceutical Chemistry Pdf 153481 | 818805

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File: Pharmaceutical Chemistry Pdf 153481 | 818805
gujarat technological university pharm d 1st year subject name pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry subject code 818805 teaching scheme evaluation scheme total theory tutorial practical total theory practical marks external internal external ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Gujarat technological university pharm d st year subject name pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry code teaching scheme evaluation total theory tutorial practical marks external internal sr course contents hours module no weightage errors in analysis error accuracy and precision types of methods expressing test for rejection data significant figures rounding confidence limits volumetric titrimetric acid base titrations relative strength its effect on titration common ion ph henderson hesselbach equation buffers neutralization curve bas indicators back biphasic pharmacopoeial applications hydrolysis salts ionic products water law mass action redox iodometry cerrimetry mercurymetry diazotization nitrite dichlorophenol indophenol calculations potentials during nonaqueous solvents titrants differentiating leveling argentometric or precipitation mohrs fajans volhard complexometric the titrant gravimetric stability solubility precipitations techniques impurities pharmaceuticals sources tests p...

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