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picture1_Justice Pdf 153119 | E1 46a 03

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File: Justice Pdf 153119 | E1 46a 03
principles of sustainable development vol i distributive justice and sustainable development finn arler distributive justice and sustainable development finn arler department of philosophy aalborg university denmark keywords distributive justice intragenerational ...

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...Principles of sustainable development vol i distributive justice and finn arler department philosophy aalborg university denmark keywords intragenerational concepts criteria resources contents introduction relatedness proximity the demands time axis space culture species natural phenomenon kinds relationship hostile closer utility friendship goal oriented political versus charity mutual advantage impartiality neutralism perfectionism universal particular general specific substantial procedural simple equality desert needs abilities usage prescriptive rights chance or luck differences between inter current generations past unesco eolss future consequences three sample chapters exchangeable critical unique in international agreements equity principle equal right self determination peoples precaution prevention cost effectiveness responsibility encyclopedia life support systems care solidarity preservation cultural heritage glossary bibliography biographical sketch summary article present...

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