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...P kae cufx fleurbaey v august rawls responsibility and distributive justice richard arneson thetheoryofjusticepioneeredbyjohnrawlsexploresasimpleidea that the concern of is to compensate individuals for misfor tune some people are blessed with good luck cursed bad anditistheresponsibilityofsociety allofusregardedcollectively alter distribution goods evils arises from jumble lot teries constitutes human life as we know it lucky be born wealthy or into a favorable socializing environment tendency becharming intelligent persevering andthelike thesepeoplearelikelyto successful in economic marketplace achieve success other important ways over course their lives however say lose stipulates should transfer all gains due unlucky theory suggests how draw line between misfortune society s not by distinguishing deep shallow inequalities former associated basic structure this passage forustheprimarysubjectofjusticeisthebasicstructureofsociety ormoreexactly way which major social institutions distr...