File: Justice Pdf 152900 | Syllabus Global Justice Updated
syllabus phil 309 global justice summer 2012 first session instructor johanna luttrell jluttre1 uoregon edu office plc 320 office hours thursdays 10am 12 and by appointment course summary philosophers have ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Syllabus phil global justice summer first session instructor johanna luttrell jluttre uoregon edu office plc hours thursdays am and by appointment course summary philosophers have only recently begun to address the topic of given recent acceleration globalization in terms economic interconnectedness majority planet as well exponential increase wealth income discrepancy between rich poor theorists concerned with become especially attentive problems large scale absolute poverty purpose this class will be account for how it is we got situation second give a normative what should do about thus consider both empirical approaches specifically examine various positions on including arguments from beneficence distributive harm capabilities approach further varying liberal cosmopolitan communitarian finally relevancy soundness these light widespread geographical phenomenon specific problem slums central questions include does basic right subsistence constitute corresponding duty someone if so w...