File: Justice Pdf 152680 | Chapter 5 Immanuel Kant 103 116
this excerpt is from michael j sandel justice what s the right thing to do pp 103 116 by permission of the publisher 5 what matters is the motive immanuel ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...This excerpt is from michael j sandel justice what s the right thing to do pp by permission of publisher matters motive immanuel kant if you believe in universal human rights are probably not a utili tarian all beings worthy respect regardless who they or where live then it wrong treat them as mere struments collective happiness recall story mal nourished child languishing cellar for sake city might defend on grounds that respecting will maximize utility long run case however your reason person holds but make things better everyone one con demn scenario su ering because reduces overall util ity and something else condemn an intrinsic moral injustice don t rest their basis libertarians o er possible answer persons should be used merely means welfare others doing so violates fundamental self ownership my life labor belong me alone at disposal society whole we have seen idea consistently applied has implications only ardent libertarian can love unfettered market without safety net those f...