notre dame law school ndlscholarship journal articles publications 2009 response to michael sandel stephen f smith notre dame law school ssmith31 nd edu follow this and additional works at https ...
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...Notre dame law school ndlscholarship journal articles publications response to michael sandel stephen f smith ssmith nd edu follow this and additional works at https scholarship faculty part of the entertainment arts sports commons recommended citation j l phil culture available or comment is brought you for free open access by it has been accepted inclusion in an authorized administrator more information please contactlawdr philosophy vol iii no pp i introduction professor treated us elegant argument against efforts athletes use medicine enhance their bodies parents effect genetically engineer children cannot agree with him that playing god my phrase not his these ways fundamentally exercise hubris a rejection gifts we have given improve on s presentation unlike some supreme court justices know am philosopher having said one joys being when important philosophical issues come up such as acceptability abortion cloning physician assisted suicide those almost invariably are left legal sy...