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Justice Pdf 152673 | 268004254

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Humanities social sciences reviews eissn vol no pp https doi org hssr amartya sen s critique of the rawlsian theory justice an analysis dr partha protim borthakur assistant professor dept political science assam royal global university guwahati india parthapran gmail com nd th article history received on january revised february published march abstract purpose present paper tries to cross examine sens notion and find a midway between ideal non theorizing besides searching for reconciliation rawls also attempts go beyond while critically engaging with his idea methodology this study has applied qualitative method however both historical analytical methods are employed reaching out conclusive findings as sources basically secondary all necessary relevant materials collected from range related books articles journals newspapers reports various seminars conferences that fall within domain area main analyzing finds cannot be discarded only formulates is not redundant revisiting there possi...

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