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picture1_Pharmacy Pdf 152563 | Syllabi Of Sybpharm

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File: Pharmacy Pdf 152563 | Syllabi Of Sybpharm
syllabi of bachelor of pharmaceutical sciences second year b pharmacy 2 1 t physical pharmacy theory 90 hrs 3 hrs week top section i hrs ic no 1 intermolecular forces ...

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...Syllabi of bachelor pharmaceutical sciences second year b pharmacy t physical theory hrs week top section i ic no intermolecular forces and gaseous state matter binding between molecular deviation from gas compressibility factor vander waal equation for real gases correction pressure volume law corresponding only critical constant their determination liquefaction linde s process claude application to aerosols e principle phase systems rule gibbs one component water two components three system solid crystallization factors affecting crystal size methods analysis x ray diffraction bragg method powder polymorphism definition different shape polymorphs example its mention detection techniques glass transition temperature thermodynamic principles involved note problems using calculate d n colloids introduction types optical kinetic electrical properties protective stabilization colloidal dlvo schulz hardy hoffemeister series in importance solubilization solution non electrolytes solutions i...

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