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picture1_Pharmacy Pdf 152553 | Mpharmbr7

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File: Pharmacy Pdf 152553 | Mpharmbr7
the tamilnadu dr m g r medical university chennai 600 032 syllabus m pharmacy 2006 2007 branch vii pharmacy practice syllabus for pharmacy practice course branch vii pharmacy practice course ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...The tamilnadu dr m g r medical university chennai syllabus pharmacy branch vii practice for course general after completing post graduate student should be able to understand patho physiology of specific diseases recognise signs symptoms and laboratory testing abnormalities associated with each disease state suggest appropriate drug therapy knowledge bio pharmaceutics pharmacokinetics comment on interaction adverse reaction alternative in such cases also when fails organise services at hospitals provide health care system patient counselling information needed people para professionals prepare a competent who can teach confidently clinical pharmacology subjects under diploma programmes pharm i year common all branches paper modern pharmaceutical analytical techniques theory hours hrs week uv visible spectroscopy brief review electromagnetic spectrum absorption radiations chromophore concept law limitations electronic by organic molecules choice solvent effects instrumentation design wo...

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