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picture1_Pharmacy Pdf 152356 | Second Year Pharmacy (cgpa) 2013 14

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File: Pharmacy Pdf 152356 | Second Year Pharmacy (cgpa) 2013 14
north maharashtra university jalgaon syllabus of second year b pharmacy cgpa pattern w e f academic year 2013 14 e1 pag t 2 3 1pharmaceutics iii physical pharmacy i theory ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...North maharashtra university jalgaon syllabus of second year b pharmacy cgpa pattern w e f academic pag t pharmaceutics iii physical i theory hrs week sr no topic section states matter a gases and liquid introduction kinetic molecular real ideal deviation from gas effects temperature pressure compressibility factor critical phenomenon constant their determination van der waal s equation state correction for volume law corresponding only derivation methods liquefaction faraday method linde process claude aerosols definition advantages disadvantages applications application to principle brief explanation propellants classes discussion about nomenclature solids types crystallization habit faces crystal x ray crystallography braggs its analysis bragg powder polymorphism enantiotropy monotropy examples pharmaceutical detection techniques note problems using calculate d n thermodynamics limitations thermodynamic terms basic concepts homogeneous heterogeneous systems like isolated closed open...

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