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picture1_Justice Pdf 152330 | 678005

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File: Justice Pdf 152330 | 678005
united states government accountability office testimony before the committee on the judiciary u s senate for release on delivery expected at 10 00 a m et wednesday june 22 2016 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...United states government accountability office testimony before the committee on judiciary u s senate for release delivery expected at a m et wednesday june drug enforcement administration additional actions needed to address prior gao recommendations statement of diana c maurer director homeland security and justice accessible version t highlights why did this study what found dea administers enforces in three reports issued during made eleven csa help ensure availability related administering quota controlled substances including process providing information guidance certain prescription drugs registrants complying with guidelines overseeing confidential informants legitimate use while limiting their as had taken some these abuse diversion but fully implemented only two them requires set quotas that limit amount february are available not effectively administered limits also example those handling manufacturers apply make annually register addition respond within time frames require...

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