PHM 110 INTRODUCTION TO PHARMACY COURSE DESCRIPTION: Prerequisites: Enrollment in the Pharmacy Technology program or permission of the program director Corequisites: None This course introduces pharmacy practice and the technician&rsquo ...
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...Phm introduction to pharmacy course description prerequisites enrollment in the technology program or permission of director corequisites none this introduces practice and technician s role a variety settings topics include medical terminology abbreviations drug delivery systems law ethics prescription medication orders health care system upon completion students should be able explain technicians read interpret describe quality assurance utilize references hours per week class semester credit learning outcomes successful student will reference outline b provide an overview c key pharmaceutical concepts d institutional ambulatory their functions e name organizations f define purpose important laws professional g delineate roles duties pharmacists h use information sources i dosage forms routes administration j introductory k meaning l process m financial aspects n impact phases development o identify characteristics professionalism effective communication skills p significance ashp ame...