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picture1_Pharmacy Pdf 152237 | Materiosce

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File: Pharmacy Pdf 152237 | Materiosce
objective structured clinical exams osces sabrina anne jacob lecturer school of pharmacy monash university malaysia overview osce set up workshop on writing cases for osce mock osce sessions tosce teaching ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Objective structured clinical exams osces sabrina anne jacob lecturer school of pharmacy monash university malaysia overview osce set up workshop on writing cases for mock sessions tosce teaching introduction the association standardized patient educators aspe definition an is a station or series stations designed to assess performance competency in individual other professional skills are carefully and be easily reproducible learners evaluated via direct observation checklists learner presentation written follow exercises examinations generally summative but may involve feedback application knowledge vs memory all students tested same material skill rubric makes marking more each specific task test judgment harden et al br med j...

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