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picture1_Pharmaceutical Chemistry Pdf 152197 | Bp202 Item Download 2023-01-16 00-44-12

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File: Pharmaceutical Chemistry Pdf 152197 | Bp202 Item Download 2023-01-16 00-44-12
pharmaceutical organic chemistry i bp202t b pharm first year second sem answer book of first sessional examination 2019 20 shambhunath institute of pharmacy jhalwa prayagraj pharmaceutical organic chemistry i bp202t ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Pharmaceutical organic chemistry i bpt b pharm first year second sem answer book of sessional examination shambhunath institute pharmacy jhalwa prayagraj section a q differentiate between e and reaction ans qb what is tautomerization give some suitable example this isomerism due to spontaneous intreconversion two isomeric forms with different functional groups tautomerism process by which isomers are interconverted the movement an atom or group enolization form prerequisites for presence c o n in usual cases alpha h most keto enol but there can be others like amine imine general more stable enols acid base catalysis from ketone extensively used making single bonds synthesis qc write rearrangement carbocation solution bonding electrons may shift adjacent atoms will occur if secondary formed primary because than types rearrangements alkyl called hydride following migrating methyl hydrogen ion associated electron pair these examples leads tertiary whereas favored preference any bond inclu...

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