course b pharm sem 5th year 3 subject name industrial pharmacy code bp 502 t topic tablets tablets they are the pharmaceutical oral solid dosage form they are fornulated either ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Course b pharm sem th year subject name industrial pharmacy code bp t topic tablets they are the pharmaceutical oral solid dosage form fornulated either by molding and compression vary in shape size weight depending on medicinal substances advantages least content variability light compact easy cheap to package carry sustained release product is possible various techniques suitable for large scale production identification disadvantages difficult swallow case of children unconcious patient drugs with poor wetting slow dissolution properties may be formulate bitter tasting an obejctionable odour require coating or encapsulation classification orally ingested compressed e g paracetamol multi delayed enteric coated sugar multivitamin film metronidazole chewable antacid used cavity buccal tablet vitamin c sublingual vicks menthol troches lozenges dental cone other route implantation suppositories insert clotrimazole prepare solution effervescent disprin dispensing enzyme digiplex hypodermi...