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...List of rare books in the library si no name book year manuscript author copies publisher publish anatomy and physiology for oxford university nurses exelyn pears press new delhi atlas human k m vaghere co histology flore s h bombay academic mitra sumar culcutta allied medical vol i chatterjee c agency calcutta bentelys text pharmaceutical bently publishers chemistry atherden london viva j a brothers vidya ratan d prakashan prentive social medicine park e banarasidas bhanot basics phrmaceutical singh vallabh practicalchemistry harikishan publication division pharmacopoea govt india n fundamental organic nesmeyanor mir moscow ayurvdic ministry formulary health family part planning dept himalaya publishing synthetic drugs chatwal g r house b lippincott company biochemistry champe p philadelphia indian na controller pharmacopoeia pharmacology review billingsley aitbs boards l formularies course power damkundewar dhanpat rai sons plant engineering arora ayurveda secrets tiwari all chinees ...