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picture1_Pharmacy Pdf 151928 | Ab3331ac763a1fd67c9e3d7a0d949ac6

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File: Pharmacy Pdf 151928 | Ab3331ac763a1fd67c9e3d7a0d949ac6
module description university of al kafeel college academic year 2020 2021 stage fourth specialization pharmacy name of the course in arabic name of the course in english clinical pharmacy i ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Module description university of al kafeel college academic year stage fourth specialization pharmacy name the course in arabic english clinical i to develop an understanding and acceptance goals pharmaceutical care as concepts applications which enable student ensure safe effective use medications disease state a part medical team number theoretical lectures practical credits instructor osama kadhum title lecturer email usama gmail com phone whatsapp curriculum week syllabus introduction community drug distribution systems principles patient education practice neonates pediatrics geriatrics respiratory system cough common cold allergic rhinitis g t diarrhea constipation gerd hemorrhoids pediatric oral thrush head lice skin conditions acne scabies psoriasis hair loss athlete s foot women health cystitis vaginal primary dysmenorrhea emergency contraceptive techniques cns related problems headache insomnia motions sickness eye disorders ent hygiene mouth ulcer obesity body weight control...

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