Planning Diets for PRACTICAL8 PLANNINGDIETSFOR Renal Diseases RENALDISEASES Structure 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Renal DiseasesAn Overview 8.2.1 Glomerulonephritis/AcuteGlomerularnephritis 8.2.2 NephroticSyndrome 8.2.3 ChronicRenalFailure(CRF) 8.2.4 AcuteRenalFailure/AcuteKidneyInjury 8.2.5 End-StageRenalDisease(Dialysis) 8.2.6 Nephrolithiasisor RenalCalculi 8.3 Review Exercises Activity 1: Diet Plan for Glomerulonephritis Activity 2: Diet Plan for Nephrotic Syndrome Activity 3: Diet Plan for Chronic Renal Failure Activity 4: Diet Plan for Acute Renal Failure Activity 5: Diet Plan for Dialysis Activity 6: Diet Plan for Nephrolithiasis 8.1 INTRODUCTION In this practical, our focus shall be on planning suitable ...
Nutritional Plan: Matching Diet to Disease Marie E. Kerl, DVM, DACVIM (Small Animal Internal Medicine), ACVECC and Paula A. Johnson, DVM Institution of appropriate, timely nutritional support in the an- septicemia. An inverse relationship between body-mass index orexic or critically ill patient has become accepted medical and mortality in critically ill patients suffering from acute re- practice in people and animals. This article focuses on the spiratory failure, multiple organ failure, congestive heart fail- 2,5 benets of appropriate nutrient intake in critically ill animals, ure,andcomahasbeenestablished. Thedeleteriouseffectsof recommendednutrientrequirements for dogs and cats receiving negative energy balance on critically ill ...
SARDAR PATEL UNIVERSITY Programme: B.Sc (Home Science) Semester: VI (Foods & Nutrition) (Food Science & Quality Control-Vocational) Syllabus with effect from: November/December-2013 Theory Objectives: This course will enable the students to: Understand the role of diet in therapy. Gain knowledge on dietary modifications for various diseases. Be able to plan and prepare diets for various diseases. Paper Code:UH06CFDN01 Total Credit: 3 Title Of Paper: Medical Nutrition Therapy - II Unit Description in detail Weighting (%) I Diseases of liver A. Functions of liver (Review) Test used for liver functions. 20% B. Etiology, Symptoms ...