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File: Scnnews24
united nations system standing committee on nutrition in 1977 following the world food conference with particular reference to resolution v on food and nutrition the administrative committee on coordination acc ...

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...United nations system standing committee on nutrition in following the world food conference with particular reference to resolution v and administrative coordination acc comprised of heads un agencies recommended establishment sub this was approved by economic social council ecosoc reform scn renamed or simply reports chief executives board successor members are eca fao iaea ifad ilo unaids undp unep unesco unfpa unhchr unhcr unicef unrisd unu wfp who bank ifpri adb also from outset representatives bilateral donor have participated actively activities as do non governmental organizations secretariat is hosted geneva mandate serve focal point for promoting harmonized policies strategies throughout strengthen collaboration other partners accelerated more effective action against malnutrition aim raise awareness concern problems at global regional national levels refine direction increase scale coherence impact actions worldwide promote cooperation among partner s annual meetings represe...

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