validity and reproducibility of a food frecuency questionnaire articulo original validity and reproducibility of a food frequency questionnaire to assess dietary intake of women living in mexico city 1 2 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Validity and reproducibility of a food frecuency questionnaire articulo original frequency to assess dietary intake women living in mexico city mauricio hernandez avila md dsc isabelle romieu socorro parra msc juan herlinda madrigal lic walter willett dph m i s j h w validacion y reproducibilidad de un cuestionario frecuencia consumo para estimar la ingesta alimentaria en mujeres ciudad salud publica mex abstract resumen objective the objetivo evaluar validez cues item semi quantitative tionario semicuantitativo ali ffq designed relation between mentos ser utilizado estudios epidemiologicos sobre chronic diseases material methods enfermedades cronicas metodos test del con was administered twice residing sumo se comparo el resultado obtenido al aplicar encuesta at an interval approximately one year dos tiempos separados por meses we compared results obtained by ffqs comparamos los with those four day hour recalls three resultados obtenidos partir su aplicacion pro month intervals were e...