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picture1_Essential Nutrients Pdf 150783 | 156899252

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File: Essential Nutrients Pdf 150783 | 156899252
l 1232 protein mary k sweeten the word protein comes from a greek word thatitprovides thebodycanmakesomeoftheamino meaning primary or tocome first early chemists acids it needs but other amino acids ...

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...L protein mary k sweeten the word comes from a greek thatitprovides thebodycanmakesomeoftheamino meaning primary or tocome first early chemists acids it needs but other amino must come gave this name because theyfelt that proteins ready made infoods theaminoacids thatthebody were most important of all substances in have are called essential ganic kingdom living things both plant and ani there eight ofthese mal contain today we know is provides one ofsix key nutrients necessary for good health aminoacidsiscalledacompleteprotein aproteinthat humans minerals vitamins carbohydrates lacks more ofthe fats water make up these six an incomplete body some ofboth function kinds ofproteins foods provide complete pro tein while others themainfunction ofproteininthebodyis tobuild animal sources repair tis ues nutrient needed by meat poultry fish eggs cheese milk com everycellin thebody as achildgrows hismusclesare plete incom builtfrom adults also need to theplantproteins whichareimportantsources t...

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