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picture1_Pharmacy Pdf 150734 | Afmnai 2016 0011

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File: Pharmacy Pdf 150734 | Afmnai 2016 0011
acta facultatis medicae naissensis doi 10 1515 afmnai 2016 0011 udc 613 287 1 5 544 532 135 original article comparative analysis of the physicochemical parameters of breast milk starter ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Acta facultatis medicae naissensis doi afmnai udc original article comparative analysis of the physicochemical parameters breast milk starter infant formulas and commercial cow milks in serbia slavica sunari tatjana jovanovi ana spasi marko deni gordana koci university nis faculty medicine department chemistry physics phd student at pharmacy biochemistry summary data on physical properties are important since they indicate differences rheological characteristics compatibility with natural this fact is not only for quality control but also use these products as diet supplements or complete substitutes study was undertaken to determine refractive index surface tension ph electrical conductivity viscosity titratable acidity uht serbian he paper mothers order compare formulations human t presents measured some about which there little information literature it has been demonstrated how were changed by freezing prolonged storage different samples colostrum transition mature included using s...

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