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File: Headachetreatmentandprevention
headache treatment and prevention types of headaches the two most common types of headaches are tension headaches and migraines the exact causes of most headaches are unknown but tension headaches ...

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...Headache treatment and prevention types of headaches the two most common are tension migraines exact causes unknown but associated with muscle in head face neck shoulders related to blood vessel constriction other changes brain often such symptoms as light sensitivity noise or odor nausea vomiting loss appetite stomach upset abdominal pain can be hormonal both stress fatigue emotional conflicts depression management biofeedback is reported a trigger by about every people primary designed improve altering body s physiological response when encountering relaxation methods diaphragmatic breathing progressive autogenic training reduce dilate vessels which my fact widely accepted non drug techniques for control their effectiveness has been demonstrated during years research over studies typically produce reduction frequency severity this equivalent achieved many medications without any negative side effects some indicated greater longer term symptom from than prescription also that these in...

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