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version 1 1 gmo unit scientific panel on gmo minutes of the 83rd plenary meeting of the scientific panel on gmo held on 3 4 july 2013 parma agreed on ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Version gmo unit scientific panel on minutes of the rd plenary meeting held july parma agreed september participants members andrew chesson patrick du jardin achim gathmann jurgen gropp lieve herman hilde gunn opsahl hoen sorteberg huw jones jozsef kiss gijs kleter martinus lovik antoine messean hanspeter naegeli kaare nielsen jaroslava ovesna joe perry nils rostoks and christoph tebbe hearing experts none efsa jaime aguilera broll yann devos zoltan diveki anders falk andrea gennaro ana gomes anna lanzoni yi liu sylvie mestdagh irina olaru claudia paoletti pericoli matthew ramon elisabeth waigmann other units directorates european commission observers maria mirazchiyska sabine pelsser dg sanco in application guidelines for others welcome apologies absence chair welcomed were received from nicholas edmund birch adoption agenda was adopted without changes attended via teleconference only food safety authority carlo magno a italy tel fax www europa eu declarations interest accordance with...

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