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picture1_Nutrition Research Pdf 149588 | Starch Digestion In Ruminents

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File: Nutrition Research Pdf 149588 | Starch Digestion In Ruminents
proceedings of the nutrition society of australia vqiume 18 eighteenth annual scientific meeting newcastle nsw september 1994 proc nutr soc aust 1994 18 40 starch digestion in ruminants problems solutions ...

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...Proceedings of the nutrition society australia vqiume eighteenth annual scientific meeting newcastle nsw september proc nutr soc aust starch digestion in ruminants problems solutions and opportunities j b rowel d w pethick summary there have been significant advances our understanding fermentation major problem feeding to is rapid accumulation acids gut which reduce ph point hindgut where health productivity are affected recent research has identified acidosis can be more common as harmful better known lactic rumen use antibiotic feed additive virginiamycin shown risks extent cereal grain safe practical these new systems potential deliver undigested post ruminally for absorption glucose this reason it appropriate evaluate effect on pathways physiological commercial importance such glycogen lipid synthesis clear that intravenous infusions stimulate key enzymes involved including citrate cleavage pathway converts importantly acetlycoa carboxylase rate limiting step lipogenesis i introduc...

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