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picture1_Powerup Design A Superhero Contest Overview

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File: Powerup Design A Superhero Contest Overview
design a school breakfast superhero contest calling all breakfast superheroes the school breakfast superheroes are looking for new recruits are your students up to the challenge of designing the next ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Design a school breakfast superhero contest calling all superheroes the are looking for new recruits your students up to challenge of designing next is challenging kids draw and name their own explain how super powers will help power with three national winners receive an illustration hero signed by professional artist then featured on www schoolbreakfast org overview has local rounds competition entries must be made organized held in schools please note that only way enter this through participating you cannot directly from grades should create sketch or drawing original drawings sketches can submitted as traditional using computer software like adobe other not plagiarized evocative any existing commercial characters so infringe copyrights trademarks nutrition association sna encouraging across nation hold contests professionals officials overall per they nominated official judge panel judges select based pre established criteria which published part rules run january march due entry ...

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