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picture1_Nutrition Therapy Pdf 148181 | Post Bariatric Surgery Diet

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File: Nutrition Therapy Pdf 148181 | Post Bariatric Surgery Diet
post bariatric surgery diet dietetics and nutrition department 1 post bariatric surgery diet this surgery gives the stomach a new shape after removing a large part of it approximately 80 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Post bariatric surgery diet dietetics and nutrition department this gives the stomach a new shape after removing large part of it approximately ecomes smaller so only small amounts foo can e ingeste alance weight reucing iet shoul followe to avoi any complication or sie effects ny for ariatric will inclue total change in patient s haits stay healthy an maintain goal y complying with ietary instructions elow dietary plan guidelines consists multiple stages starting from first ay irst stage lear luis secon ull ow at sugar ree thir puree oos ourth soft ifth consistency egular foos shifting one another epens on tolerance their acceptance consume stop eating when you feel full otherwise may evelop vomiting iscomfort other complications drin cups water ml every minutes lways rememer that your tiny tolerate limite amount talespoons hen soli tae eat slowly chew thoroughly don t use straws rining fluis time perio rom ays llowe ater non caronate ecaffeinate no ae rins fresh straine uices soups e...

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