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picture1_Food Product Development Pdf 148115 | I2454e

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File: Food Product Development Pdf 148115 | I2454e
energy smart food for people and climate issue paper energy smart food for people and climate issue paper food and agriculture organization of the united nations 2011 the designations employed ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Energy smart food for people and climate issue paper agriculture organization of the united nations designations employed presentation material in this information product do not imply expression any opinion whatsoever on part fao concerning legal or development status country territory city area its authorities delimitation frontiers boundaries mention specifi c companies products manufacturers whether these have been patented does that endorsed recommended by preference to others a similar nature are mentioned views expressed those author s necessarily refl ect all rights reserved encourages reproduction dissemination non commercial uses will be authorized free charge upon request resale other purposes including educational may incur fees applications permission reproduce disseminate copyright materials queries licences should addressed e mail org chief publishing policy support branch offi ce knowledge exchange research extension viale delle terme di caracalla rome italy cover photo...

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