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picture1_Public Nutrition Pdf 147815 | 36036 Prc Tacr

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File: Public Nutrition Pdf 147815 | 36036 Prc Tacr
strengthening public nutrition planning and policy in the people s republic of china focused synopsis of research and expert consultations on public nutrition and the prc s eleventh five year ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Strengthening public nutrition planning and policy in the people s republic of china focused synopsis research expert consultations on prc eleventh five year plan compiled by dr gary r gleason international foundation chris a spohr asian development bank resident mission prof huo junsheng food fortification laboratory centers for disease control with substantive inputs from center national reform commission united nations children fund cross sectoral discussants under adb technical assistance ta cooperation pndc unicef this monograph is supported however content any views expressed herein are those authors do not necessarily reflect policies its board governors or governments it represents all rights reserved published printed publication stock no book they represent does guarantee accuracy data included publi cation accepts responsibility consequence their use term country imply judgment as to legal other status territorial entity contents preface i introduction role sustaining achiev...

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