proceedings of the nutrition society 2004 63 161 166 doi 10 1079 pns2003329 gtheauthor 2004 the summer meeting of the nutrition society was held at king s college london on ...
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...Proceedings of the nutrition society doi pns gtheauthor summer meeting was held at king s college london on july plenary lecture nutrigenomics individualism and public health ruth chadwick centre for economic social aspects genomics lancaster university bailrigg lancashire la sh uk issues arising in connection with genes policy include both nutrigenetics considers relationship between specifc nutrients or diet gene expression it is envisaged will facilitate prevention related common diseases concerned effects individual genetic variation single nucleotide polymorphisms response to longer term may lead personalised dietary recommendations important also consider surrounding context other such as novel functional foods so far they are modication ethical fall into a number categories why have benets questions about research e g concerning acquisition information who has access this its possible misuse applications terms negotiation potential tension interests relation example conditions o...