resident humanitarian coordinator report 2014 on the use of cerf funds nepal rapid response flood resident humanitarian coordinator mr jamie mcgoldrick reporting process and consultation summary a please indicate when ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 12 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Resident humanitarian coordinator report on the use of cerf funds nepal rapid response flood mr jamie mcgoldrick reporting process and consultation summary a please indicate when after action review aar was conducted who participated because major earthquake in also rolling out emergency preparedness erp at country level recipient agencies including rc hc office remained very busy not able to conduct formal as expected earlier however rco had several informal meetings with unicef unfpa wfp bilaterally discussed projects these has suggested complete given time agreed set up deadline captured few lesson learned highlighted below b confirm that or un team by cluster sector coordinators outlined guidelines yes no is shared electronically all for their consensus before sending secretariat c final version stakeholders recommended i e implementing partners members relevant government counterparts sharing there were four clusters involved food protection nutrition together wash it assumed ever...