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picture1_Calorie Counter Pdf 146191 | Dh38ex Akbari Fard

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File: Calorie Counter Pdf 146191 | Dh38ex Akbari Fard
fruits and vegetables calorie counter using convolutional neural networks morteza akbari fard hamed haddadi alireza tavakoli targhi intelligent systems and perception school of electronic engineering and intelligent systems and perception ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Fruits and vegetables calorie counter using convolutional neural networks morteza akbari fard hamed haddadi alireza tavakoli targhi intelligent systems perception school of electronic engineering recognition laboratory computer science shahid beheshti university queen mary london abstract individuals care about the types fruit they are eating features used for training color nutrients it contains because is an size shape texture most current use these essential part leading a healthy diet in this paper we introduce or combination them automatic way detecting recognizing network model learns what type image order to enable keeping track daily intake result higher accuracy therefore uses automatically images taken by user proposed classification process method state art deep learning techniques feature our optimization methods have improved initial results extraction especially significantly selecting smaller rate removing been widely more general classes like nut were able variety probl...

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