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picture1_Healthy Eating Plate Harvard Pdf 146011 | Eating 101 What Should I Eat August 2017

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File: Healthy Eating Plate Harvard Pdf 146011 | Eating 101 What Should I Eat August 2017
what should i eat using harvard s healthy eating guide below we recommend eating mostly vegetables fruit and whole grains healthy fats and healthy proteins we suggest drinking mainly water ...

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...What should i eat using harvard s healthy eating guide below we recommend mostly vegetables fruit and whole grains fats proteins suggest drinking mainly water instead of sugary beverages it also important to stay active maintain a weight the main message focus on diet quality plan meals day maybe snacks skipping decreases your basal metabolic rate makes more difficult small frequently works better for some type carbohydrate in is than amount such as fruits legumes healthiest carbs are those that have been minimally processed selecting variety different colors will help insure you get all nutrients need shown plate above half meal consist continued next page dartmouth college health service limit sugar white highly refined carbohydrates they digest quickly lead rapid rise blood insulin this can often cause feel hungry soon after ve eaten protein choose plant sources lentils soybeans chickpeas etc nuts nut butters including quinoa kamut bulghur wild rice along with fish poultry these hig...

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