title mainedot guidelines to implement a road diet or other features involving traffic calming discipline general engineering originators matt philbirck and stephen landry issue date april 2016 approved by what ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Title mainedot guidelines to implement a road diet or other features involving traffic calming discipline general engineering originators matt philbirck and stephen landry issue date april approved by what is generally described as removing travel lanes from roadway utilizing the space for uses modes this guide will focus on most common reconfiguration which conversion of an undivided four lane three made up two through center way left turn twltl reduction allows cross section be reallocated such bike pedestrian refuge islands transit parking configurations are possible can viewed in fhwa informational see link at bottom document typical basic design municipalities may petition department make changes system correct deficiencies operation potential solution many safety modal issues considered those seeking improvements their roadways beyond surface pavement treatment shall follow steps below purpose need alternative analysis accordance with federal nepa requirements each project must h...