Award Scheme on Instructional Design 2017/2018 2017/2018 Food pyramid P040 Award Scheme on Instructional Design 2017/2018 Food Pyramid Candidate number: P040 Subject: English Class Level: Primary 5 Type of Project: Unit Teaching plans Page 1 Award Scheme on Instructional Design 2017/2018 2017/2018 Food pyramid P040 Introduction Traditionally, English teachers in Macau always focus on teaching vocabulary and grammar structures. Students are mainly trained on memorization rather than utilization. However, a teacher’s role is not only a knowledge transmitter but ...
Red de Revistas Cientificas de America Latina, el Caribe, Espana y Portugal Sistema de Informacion Cientifica BRANDAO GONCALVES, CAMILA; DEVIDE NOGUEIRA, JULIA APARECIDA; MACEDO DA COSTA, TERESA HELENA THE FOOD PYRAMID ADAPTED TO PHYSICALLY ACTIVE ADOLESCENTS AS A NUTRITION EDUCATION TOOL Revista Brasileira de Ciencias do Esporte, vol. 36, num. 1, enero-marzo, 2014, pp. 29-44 Colegio Brasileiro de Ciencias do Esporte Jardim Botanico Curitiba, Brasil Available in: Revista Brasileira de Ciencias do Esporte, ISSN (Printed ...
Sandy Garrett, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Oklahoma State Department of Education Pyramid Power: OK A A Study in Nutrition LAHOM AREA OF SERVICE Health and Public Safety COMMUNITY NEED Food for the needy TYPE OF SERVICE Indirect SUBJECT AREA/LEVEL Health/K-5 CONCEPT Power SERVICE-LEARNING PROJECT SUMMARY This elementary school project uses student learning from a study of nutrition to solve a community problem or need for food for the needy. Participating students will organize a canned food drive following nutritional ...
Health Smart Virginia Sample Lesson Plan Grade 4 – Unit 4 Grade 4 Sample Lesson Plan: Unit 4 – You Are What You Eat SOLs 4.1.c Evaluate the importance of balance, variety, and moderation in a meal plan. 4.1.f Analyze the impact of nutrients on growth and development. Objectives/Goals • The student will be able to o explain significance of the MyPlate food guide and the reasons it is used now versus the older methods like ...
DOCUMENT RESUME TITLE Making Nutrition Count for Children. Nutrition Guidance for Child Care Homes. INSTITUTION Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC. PUB DATE 2002-00-00 NOTE 52p. CONTRACT 133385 PUB TYPE Guides - Non-Classroom (055) EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MFOl/PC03 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Child Care; Child Care Centers; Nutrition ABSTRACT This booklet serves to help all child-care providers with (2) Nutrients valuable information such as (1) How children grow and develop, needed for growth and development, (3) Dietary Guidelines for Americans, (4) ...