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pondicherry journal of nursing vol 9 issue 2 may aug 16 knowledge level regarding dietary modification among patients with chronic renal disease waiting for renal transplant rajeesh r nair sam ...

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...Pondicherry journal of nursing vol issue may aug knowledge level regarding dietary modification among patients with chronic renal disease waiting for transplant rajeesh r nair sam francis fernandez sivapriya s sreekutty p a abstract objectives to assess the materials and methods study descriptive research non probability convenience sampling technique result majority had adequate participants are very good approximately was poor conclusion revealed that there is need making them aware importance diet before pre transplantation period better outcome after keywords in introduction helps balance kidneys pair organs located back abdomen each about or inches long size fist kidney function filter blood failure medical condition which fail adequately selected nephro units at waste products from aims kochi form increased find association between decreased total amount food liquid available an increase decrease demographic variables element who have undergone recommended assumptions carbohydrat...

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