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picture1_Nutrient Metabolism Pdf 144887 | 78d9b7ce935bc35d3eb9723fdba82225

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File: Nutrient Metabolism Pdf 144887 | 78d9b7ce935bc35d3eb9723fdba82225
DAFTAR PUSTAKA 1. Botham KM, Mayes PA. Lipid yang penting secara fisiologis. In: Murray RK, th Granner DK, Rodwell VW, editors. Biokimia harper. 27 ed. Jakarta: EGC; 2009. p. 128-38 ...

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...Daftar pustaka botham km mayes pa lipid yang penting secara fisiologis in murray rk th granner dk rodwell vw editors biokimia harper ed jakarta egc p hall je guyton ac buku ajar fisiologi kedokteran marks db ad smith cm dasar sebuah pendekatan klinis adam jm dislipidemia sudoyo aw setiyohadi b alwi i k ms setiati s ilmu penyakit dalam iii interna publishing kohlmeier m cholesterol nutrient metabolism st uk elsevier schoen fj cotran rs pembuluh darah kumar vm robbins sl patologi soh j josekutty hussain mm mcpherson ra pincus mr nd henry clinical diagnosis and management by laboratory methods philadephia saunders a significance of profile assay as diagnostic prognostic tool internal medical rajaram wien vegetarian diets the prevention osteoporosis diabetes neurological disorders joan sabate editor nutririon usa crg press llc ratzin turner brown diet descriptions trensds nutrition crc susianto miracle vegan qanita blix g obesity nutrution jian zh chang yc lung cc et al tag levels gender p...
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