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picture1_Processing Pdf 144556 | 3356 Item Download 2023-01-08 10-27-17

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File: Processing Pdf 144556 | 3356 Item Download 2023-01-08 10-27-17
zurich open repository and archive university of zurich university library strickhofstrasse 39 ch 8057 zurich www zora uzh ch year 2013 scientific opinion on applications efsa gmo rx t25 and ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 08 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Zurich open repository and archive university of library strickhofstrasse ch www zora uzh year scientific opinion on applications efsa gmo rx t nl for the renewal authorisation maize placing market herbicide tolerant genetically modified both food feed uses import processing under regulation ec no from bayer cropscience ag arpaia salvatore birch andrew n e chesson du jardin patrick gathmann achim gropp jurgen herman lieve hoen sorteberg hilde gunn jones huw kiss jozsef kleter gijs lovik martinus messean antoine naegeli h nielsen kaare magne ovesna jaroslava perry joe rostoks nils tebbe christoph abstract this reports a risk assessment continued ing contains single insertion locus containing pat cassette conferring tolerance to glufosinate based herbicides bioinformatic analyses protein expression data genetic stability studies did not raise safety issues compositional agronomic phenotypic characteristics grain its conventional counterpart showed differences that are relevance iden tifi...

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