informative study to examine reasons behind vaccine refusals resistances and barriers ministry of health of the kyrgyz republic informative study to examine reasons behind vaccine refusals resistances and barriers 1 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 08 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Informative study to examine reasons behind vaccine refusals resistances and barriers ministry of health the kyrgyz republic namazova l minbaeva pages publication presents results a qualitative which examined it complements quantitative data on knowledge attitude practice immunization collected in research was done by rebikon company for with technical support from unicef under global alliance vaccines immunisation gavi funding carried out january four types respondents mothers children fathers religious leaders healthcare professions informed development communication strategy vaccination can be further used promotion organisations kyrgyzstan address hesitancy opinions expressed this document do not necessarily reflect policies or views united nations s fund organization does bear any responsibility table contents abbreviations acknowledgment executive summary i introduction coverage rates b vpds ii objectives iii sample size methodology preparation survey tools fieldwork selection tr...