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picture1_Nutrition Curriculum Pdf 143687 | P G Diploma In Applied Nutrition

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File: Nutrition Curriculum Pdf 143687 | P G Diploma In Applied Nutrition
foods and nutrition department faculty of family community sciences the maharaja sayajirao university of baroda baroda curriculum post graduate diploma in applied nutrition 2021 22 course outline post graduate diploma ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 08 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Foods and nutrition department faculty of family community sciences the maharaja sayajirao university baroda curriculum post graduate diploma in applied course outline programme specific outcomes its areas specialization is designed keeping mind following student learning pso students will be able to determine nutritional status individuals various life cycle stages or with related chronic diseases by applying knowledge metabolism nutrient functions food sources physiologic systems understand basics meal planning dietetics for preparing healthy nutritious diets throughout special as medical therapy disease conditions national priorities aims objectives target groups flagship health programs field placements realities bottlenecks implementation learn basic principles safety adulteration testing microbiology quality control management international standards that are used industry gain on optimum during sports normal fitness level demonstrate critical thinking skills analyse data interpr...

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