File: Dietary Recall Pdf 143527 | Diets Report Qld
are queenslanders meeting the australian dietary guidelines daily diets and total energy intake october 2018 about this report the objective of this report is to describe the diets of queenslanders ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 08 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Are queenslanders meeting the australian dietary guidelines daily diets and total energy intake october about this report objective of is to describe based on a hour recall consumption healthy foods unhealthy discretionary drinks estimated data was derived from health survey incorporating national nutrition physical activity nnpas that collected detailed information representative sample queenslander children adults in most recent accurate five food groups however it may not fully reflect actual majority for queensland as has previously been publicly reported prepared by preventive branch danielle herbert margaret bright with external input kylie newberry investment expertise associated collection undertaken bureau statistics acknowledged suggested citation department government brisbane published state document licensed under creative commons attribution australia licence view copy visit creativecommons org licenses au you free communicate adapt work long attribute more contact manage...