179 179 issn 0254 6019 fao animal production and health this document presents a unique and exhaustive review of the state of knowledge on the use of probiotics in diverse ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 08 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Issn fao animal production and health this document presents a unique exhaustive review of the state knowledge on use probiotics in diverse livestock systems their impact productivity it focuses specically denitions mechanisms action applications effects safety potential public risks addition labelling probiotic pr products global regulatory status feed is alsoobiotics nutrition covered publication will inform those that are interested identifying designing interventions for increasing would also give an impetus to development new having consistent long term could possibly be used place antibiotic growth promoters paper regulation isbn fa ie o cover photographs left sergei gapon middle roberto faidutti right isaac kasamani food agriculture organization united nations rome recommended citation by yadav s bajagai athol v klieve peter j dart wayne l bryden editor harinder p makkar no authors school sciences university queensland australia designations employed presentation material inform...