File: Nutritional Pathology Pdf 143085 | Dia Juke 2014
the relationship between nutritional status and immunonutrition intake with immunity status 1 2 dian isti angraini putu ristyaning ayu 1 community medicine departement faculty of medicine universitas lampung 2 clinical ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...The relationship between nutritional status and immunonutrition intake with immunity dian isti angraini putu ristyaning ayu community medicine departement faculty of universitas lampung clinical pathology abstract background is a system that protect human body against foreign substances good can prevent various diseases several risk factors make person susceptible to infection less consists some specific nutrient components form immune this study aims determine proteins zinc iron method an analytic observational cross sectional design at students medical in university sampling was taken by proportionated random obtained from anthropometric examination using mass index criteria through x h food recall lymphocyte numbers result results showed general are normal protein adequate classified inadequate there significant association p not four independent variables have more meaningful conclusion associated keywords pendahuluan imunitas atau kekebalan sel t suatu bentuk darah putih tubuh mer...