File: Nutrition Manual Pdf 142952 | Item Attachment 001 Ea82b9a7037e47f4bf9fc9e6bd126a5e
cohesive healthcare management consulting mangum regional medical center title policy total parenteral nutrition management drp 012 manual effective date review date drug room 10 1 2020 10 1 2020 department ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Cohesive healthcare management consulting mangum regional medical center title policy total parenteral nutrition drp manual effective date review drug room department reference scope this applies to adult patients that require tpn therapy at purpose is dedicated ensuring the safe administration of considered a high alert risk medication definitions medications known be error prone or which pose significant hazard patient if not properly handled and are designated as by pharmacy therapeutics committee procedure diet npo except ice chips other labs accucheck every hours accuchecks ac hs needed cbc with differential days comprehensive metabolic profile lipid panel lipids ordered well pre albumin renal magnesium level phosphorus triglycerides clinimix formulas ml run hr use micron filter e additional iv supplementation fat emulsion on tuesdays thursdays multi trace concentrate mt three times week mondays wednesdays fridays dilute in least ns infuse over infuvite vitamin maintenance fluids ...