Diet Instruction Sheet 1800 CALORIE (ADA) Diabetic Diet Reason for the Diet: To help prevent high blood sugar levels and to control your weight and blood sugar every day, normal blood sugar levels for persons under 65 years of age is 60-120mg/100ml. For 65 and older, normal blood sugar can be 200mg/100ml, if kept stable. How Much and/or What to Eat: Breakfast: Lunch: 1 serving unsweetened juice 3 ounces low fat meat 1 serving fat free cereal 1 serving fat free starch 1 fat free egg or meat 1 serving fat free vegetable 2 serving bread 1 serving fat free ...
NUTRITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DIABETES Alison Gray, RD, MBA Updated May 2015 INTRODUCTION This chapter will summarize current information on nutritional recommendations for persons with diabetes for health care practitioners who treat them. The key take home message is that the 1800 calorie ADA diet is dead! The modern diet for the individual with diabetes is based on concepts from clinical research, portion control, and individualized lifestyle changes. It cannot simply be delivered by giving a patient a diet sheet in a one-size-fits-all approach. The lifestyle modification guidance and support needed requires a team effort, best led by an ...
Balancing Quality of Life with Nutrition Management of Residents’ Medical Condition July 20, 2011 Register Today! Overview Balancing Quality of Life With Nutrition Management of Residents’ Wednesday, July 20, 2011 Medical Condition 10:30 – 11:30am, CST The webinar will address the challenges of integrating the residents’ quality of Deadline: July 18 life and their right to self-determination with nutrition management of their medical condition, as well as examine how liberalized diets work. What happened to the 1800 Calorie ADA diet? Is there a return to strict low-sodium diets? What difference will the new US Department of Agriculture MY PLATE ...