253 asia pac j clin nutr 2007 16 suppl 1 253 257 original article application of perioperative immunonutrition for gastrointestinal surgery a meta analysis of randomized controlled trials 1 1 ...
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...Asia pac j clin nutr suppl original article application of perioperative immunonutrition for gastrointestinal surgery a meta analysis randomized controlled trials yamin zheng md fei li baoju qi msc bin luo haichen sun shuang liu and xiaoting wu department general xuanwu hospital capital medical university beijing china huaxi sichuan chengdu province the aim this study was to evaluate clinical economic validity effect on postoperative immunity in patients with cancers diet supplemented two or more nutrients including glutamine arginine polyunsaturated fatty acids ribonucleic all relevant rcts performed compared pe rioperative standard we extracted from electronic databases cochrane brary medline embase sci assessed methodological quality them according handbook coch rane reviewer june statistical by revman software thirteen involving were included combined results showed that had no significant mortality p but it positive infection rate...