File: Immunonutrition Pdf 142623 | Surgerycr V4 Id1031
open access austin surgery case reports research article perioperative immunonutrition in spine and total joint surgery shumaker m hooks b boyalakuntla ds and abstract bishop m department of surgery usa ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Open access austin surgery case reports research article perioperative immunonutrition in spine and total joint shumaker m hooks b boyalakuntla ds abstract bishop department of usa background the current era adding value to healthcare modifiable corresponding author michael risk factors have become a major focus quality outcomes are now catawba drive canfield measured reported tied reimbursement recent studies orthopedic oh shown nutritional status be one most received september accepted october significant for post operative complications our purpose this published study is evaluate if support can reduce improve patients methods we prospectively collected data inpatient replacements surgeries months beginning november ending all were followed minimum days after excluded they receiving radiation or chemotherapy at time noncompliant with nutrition protocol imn group was instructed consume two oz bottles ricochet revive medical brighton mo each day before outcome reoperations readmission...