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picture1_Life Cycle Nutrition Pdf 142254 | Appendix E P 3

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File: Life Cycle Nutrition Pdf 142254 | Appendix E P 3
m a m sc in home science m a m sc in home science food nutrition syllabus 2020 22 p g department of home science sambalpur university jyoti vihar food ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...M a sc in home science food nutrition syllabus p g department of sambalpur university jyoti vihar courses studies for the examination under course credit semester system effective from first st no title hour hsc research methodology theory statistics computer application through life cycle advance practical related to total iind institutional management environmental guidance counseling communication health promotion all papers writing term paper seminar iiird therapeutic nutritional biochemistry microbiology safety programme planning public dissertation synopsis field work presentation be completed ivth candidate has select any three elective aspect malnutrition clinical entrepreneurship service processing instruction setters questions will set unit wise with each students shall answer one question long answered type and short them detailed ch objectives understand scientific approaches learn different types designs methods data collection importance scaling technique expected outcome...

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