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picture1_Pharmacy Pdf 141675 | Nutritional Biochemistry Pharmacy

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File: Pharmacy Pdf 141675 | Nutritional Biochemistry Pharmacy
1 course decription general information assistant professor dubravka 3rd 1 1 course teacher vitali epo phd 1 6 year of study 1 2 name of the course nutritional biochemistry 1 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Course decription general information assistant professor dubravka rd teacher vitali epo phd year of study name the nutritional biochemistry credit value ects associate teachers lovorka vuji type instruction number hours l e s learning programme pharmacy integrated undergraduate graduate expected enrolment in level use nd status compulsory percentage on line maximum description introducing students to structural characteristics and metabolism nutrients proteins lipids carbohydrates dietary fiber vitamins minerals will understand body energy needs transport they be able recognize deficiency symptoms certain recommend adequate treatment objectives describe explain basic concept proper balanced predict its impact health outcomes introduced basics food chemistry conduct analysis determination major macro micro different types foods passed exam requirements competences knowledge physiology anatomy with particular emphasis required entry for digestive system understanding biochemical process...

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